Time Capsules. But Digital.

Create digital time capsules with photos, videos and messages. Invite friends and family to participate. And enjoy the memories together in the future.

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The Idea behind Cupaloy

Time Capsules Online

Classic time capsules are awesome. With Cupaloy you can create the same kind of memories – anytime, anywhere and super easy!

Unlimited storage
You can add as many files of any type as you want. We don't mind as long as you follow our Fair Use Policy.
Unlimited members
You can invite as many members as you like. They can be contributors or just recipients and will get notified, when it is opened.
Any occasion
Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, kick-offs or whatever great experience you have today – send them as memories into the future.
Simple pricing
You pay once for the storage of the capsule. No recurring or hidden fees, even if you send the capsule years into the future.

Get inspired

Example Time Capsules

Once you notice how quick and easy it is to create digital time capsules, you will see possibilities everywhere. Here are some examples to get you started.



Create time capsules for your friends and families birthdays. Extra funny if you send them a few years into the future. Added bonus: you won't forget their birthdays ever again. 😜

Birthday time capsule

Babies and Children

Fill a capsule with photos and videos of your newborn child and send it into the future for them to see. Maybe as far as to their 18th birthday?! What a surprise it will be!

Baby time capsule


Capture the unforgettable moments of your loved ones lives. Enjoy the memories together in the future. The possibilities are endless.

Graduation time capsule

Frequently asked questions

What is a digitial time capsule?
It is a secure place in the cloud that you and other members can upload files like photos to and leave messages in. At a set date it gets sealed and will not be opened before a certain date in the future.
Is my data safe?
When you add a file to a capsule it is directly uploaded to a cloud storage space at Amazon Web Services. It never touches our servers, travels through a secure connection and is stored encrypted at rest.
What do I get?
Each time capsule holds an unlimited amount of files and a personal message from as many members as you want as long as you follow our Fair Use Policy.
Is it free?
At the moment you get 10 years of storage for free when you sign up. Whether you create one time capsule that is sealed for 10 years or ten capsules sealed for one year each is up to you. Using your free storage is totally free.
Is it a subscription?
No. There are no recurring or hidden fees. You pay once in advance for a capsule.
How much does it cost?
A day of storage costs about 0,068 €. You can buy 365 days at a time for 25 €. The days you don't use remain in your account.
How long can I store it?
You can store a time capsule as long as you want. 1000 years, anybody?
Can I change the content after it is sealed?
No. But you can always delete the whole capsule and all its contents.
What happens if the company behind Cupaloy does not exist anymore?
We have some pretty cool ideas how to make ourselves obsolete, but it is complicated. At the moment we can just tell you that we will do our best to keep existing.
Do I get my days back when I delete a capsule?
Yes. When you delete a capsule before it is opened, you get the days back into your account. You cannot, however, exchange days back into money for a refund.
Who can see my content?
Only you will be able to see and edit the content you add before the capsule is sealed. After that nobody will be able to see it until it is opened. All members of the time capsule can see the others contributions when it is opened.
What happens when the capsule is opened?
Every member of the capsule will get a notification and will be able to see his and the other members contributions. After 7 days the capsule is automatically destroyed.
How many members can I invite?
You can invite as many members to a time capsule as you want. It is free for them to join.
Can I invite members after it is sealed?
Yes. They will receive a notification and can see the contents, when the capsule is opened, but they can not contribute anything anymore.

1000 Years. Free as in 🍺.

To celebrate the launch of Cupaloy, we're giving away 1000 years of storage. For free. This offer is limited to 10 years per person.

Sign up now. Get 10 years for free.

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